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Training Choir at the National Choir Finals 2024
Our 40 strong Training Choir attended the National Choir Finals 2024. We sung Kumbaya and Joshua Fought The Battle of Jericho. Our...

Perfect Pitch in BARCELONA
Some of our choir members have just returned from a fantastic trip to Barcelona. We were asked to take 33 children to perform as part of...

Alice In Wonderland SUCCESS!
Our students took to the stage to perform Alice In Wonderland. A fabulous time was had by all including our sold out audiences. Take a...

Distinctions for our BOYS!
Luca and Jude both received outstanding marks for their singing exams. Well done BOYS!!

Minnie sat her very first singing exam and received a fantastic result DISTINCTION! We are very proud of Minnie and can't wait to see her...

Perfect Pitch sing with G4
We had a Wonderful evening performing with the popular singing group G4 in Derby Cathedral. The choir sung 3 songs with the boys and...
Singing Exam Success
Congratulations to - Olivia, Phoebe, Milly and Luca who all received distinctions in their recent singing exams. Keep up the hard work :)
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